Love La Mirada

Perform service projects that benefit the city and residents of La Mirada

Inspired by the Love Our Cities movement started in Modesto, California, Love La Mirada began with the support of a dozen local church leaders who met together to consider how they might challenge their congregations to partner with other organizations and residents of La Mirada for the good of our city. Others joined together to form a team to start up an official organization dedicated to helping people discover more about our city, serve together to improve our neighborhoods, and connect with other residents of La Mirada into greater community.

One of the first steps that Love La Mirada took was to organize a Day of Service for the city parks, schools, and neighborhoods, which happened in April 2016. The La Mirada City Council, Chamber of Commerce, and many volunteer organizations are excited about this movement — we hope you will join us as well!

Please let us know if there are other projects that exist along the same lines of what we are doing — we’d love to support all good things that are happening in our city. Email us at

Source & Photo Credit: Love La Mirada