According to a recent crime analysis of surrounding communities in southeast Los Angeles County and northern Orange County, La Mirada experienced the lowest number of major crimes last year making it one of the safest cities in the area. The City’s low crime rate is attributed to a strong partnership between residents, businesses and the Public Safety team, according to the 2017 Annual Crime Report submitted to the city council.
Some 199 crimes were reported last year per 10,000 La Mirada residents, while the national benchmark is 300 crimes per 10,000 residents. Overall, there were 998 Part 1 crimes reported in La Mirada in 2017. Part 1 crimes include homicide, rape, larceny, burglary, automobile theft, robbery, assault, and arson. This was a slight increase over 2016, which is attributable to additional property crimes including larcenies and vehicle thefts. Of the 998 Part 1 crimes reported in 2017, 895 were crimes involving stolen property. This accounts for nearly 90 percent of Part 1 crimes reported. Many of these cases were crimes of opportunity, where valuables were left in plain view.
“While crime remains low in La Mirada, residents are reminded to guard against property-related crimes,” says Safety Education Officer Mary Cipres. “Opportunity thefts are among the most preventable crimes that occur. Don’t leave valuables unattended, even for short periods of time.”
Preventing crime is a community effort. The City encourages all residents and business owners to participate in the Neighborhood Watch or Business Watch programs and report suspicious activity to the Public Safety Team. Community involvement is a key component of keeping La Mirada one of the safest cities.
“The Public Safety Team will continue to monitor local crime trends and maintain the City’s low crime rate through proactive prevention efforts,” says Lieutenant Jeff Dusky. “The Public Safety Team will work cooperatively with other agencies to hold offenders accountable.”
The City will continue its efforts to identify at-risk youth and offer intervention, education, and prevention resources. Successful programs like Positive Alternatives and the Prevention and Intervention (PIP) will also continue to be offered at La Mirada schools. These programs provide valuable resources to students, parents, and school administrators.
Crimes Per 10,000 Residents in 2017
For additional information on the annual crime report and the City’s crime prevention efforts, click here or contact the La Mirada Community Sheriff’s Station at (562) 902-2960.
Source & Photo Credit: City of La Mirada