The City of La Mirada contracted with Godbe Research to conduct a Community Satisfaction Survey in late August. Nearly 700 residents participated in the survey, which was conducted online and by telephone interviews. Residents provided responses to a variety of questions related to living in La Mirada including the levels of importance and satisfaction with City programs and services, quality of life, and sense of community. Overall, more than 89% of residents surveyed expressed they are satisfied with the quality of life in La Mirada.
Among the top priorities identified by residents are the overall feeling of safety, appearance and cleanliness of the city, and the condition of streets and roads. Respondents were asked to indicate the greatest challenge the City faced during the next five years, and responding to homelessness and providing neighborhood police protection were the top responses. Some of the City’s greatest opportunities over the next five years identified on the survey included park upgrades, such as walking paths, restrooms, and lighting, new economic development along the I-5 Freeway, and City facility enhancements and repairs.
“Providing a safe, clean, and attractive community is the City’s top priority,” says City Manager Jeff Boynton. “The recent survey results show these areas remain most important to our residents, too.”
The survey results along with additional feedback provided by residents will assist the City in developing a strategic plan to guide the City during the next five years. The City remains committed to providing quality programs and services for the community to ensure La Mirada remains an exceptional place to live, work, and visit.
The City of La Mirada has made extensive infrastructure investments in local neighborhoods during the past 10 years. Work continues on the current neighborhood street improvement project in the neighborhood located just north of Biola University. The work includes pavement rehabilitation, replacement of damaged curb, gutter and sidewalk, upgrades to existing and placement of new handicap curb access ramps, removal and replacement of slotted cross gutters, and slurry seal of recently repaved streets within the project boundary. Much of the concrete work has been completed and the street rehabilitation is in process. The entire project is expected to be completed later this fall.
After many years of planning and several years of construction, Caltrans is nearing the completion of I-5 improvements in La Mirada. The work on the Valley View Avenue segment is the final phase of improvements from the Orange County line to just south of I-605. Construction is more than 90 percent complete according to Caltrans. The second half of the Valley View Avenue bridge is set to be completed by the end of September. Four all-purpose lanes and one carpool lane recently opened in each direction from the Orange County line to the south of Florence Avenue. The new Valley View Avenue loop off-ramp from the northbound I-5 opened in June, and the old ramp is closed for demolition. “With added lanes, both southbound and northbound, this has helped to ease traffic along I-5 in La Mirada,” says Public Works Director Mark Stowell. “We appreciate the community’s patience as the freeway construction work is being finished and remind everyone to drive safely.” Updates on the project are available at My5LA.com or @My5LA.
If you have questions or wish to provide feedback to the City of La Mirada, please contact Senior Administrative Analyst Jorge Orozco at (562) 902-3121 or jorozco@cityoflamirada.org.
Source: City of La Mirada