Mayor Otero Delivers La Mirada State of the City Address

Hosted by La Mirada Chamber of Commerce

The La Mirada Chamber of Commerce hosted a State of the City luncheon at the Holiday Inn on Thursday, February 16th with approximately 150 business and community members in attendance.  La Mirada Mayor Anthony Otero served as the keynote speaker and expressed his appreciation to local community organizations, including service clubs, youth sports leagues, schools, businesses, and houses of worship for their contributions to the community.  He extolled the importance of providing quality service and positive leadership.

Mayor Otero’s remarks were preceded by presentations from Congresswoman Linda Sanchez and Los Angeles County Supervisor Janice Hahn, both who highlighted support for projects and programs they have assisted with in La Mirada.  Dr. Gary Lindblad, Dean of Biola University’s Crowell School of Business, served as Master of Ceremonies.  City Manager Jeff Boynton and Norwalk Sheriff’s Station Captain Christopher Johnson provided updates on City projects and public safety items, respectively.

City Manager Boynton reported that La Mirada remains in a strong financial position, and is routinely ranked in the top 10 percent of California cities with low financial risk by the state auditor.  The City continues to adopt balanced budgets and maintains sufficient reserve funding to respond to economic uncertainties.  He mentioned La Mirada has completed many capital projects in recent years and has a highly rated street pavement management index as a result of consecutive years of neighborhood infrastructure improvements.  New programs were noted including the Community Gardens, Farmer’s Market, and Traffic Signal Utility Box Art Contest, all which promote community spirit.  Boynton highlighted planned projects at Behringer Athletic Fields, Creek Park, Neff Park, the Theatre for the Performing Arts and the Civic Center that will ensure the community continues to have quality recreational and cultural amenities.

Captain Johnson provided a public safety update and mentioned that La Mirada continues to experience the lowest number of crimes among cities in southeast Los Angeles County.  He stated community involvement is a valuable component of keeping La Mirada safe and encouraged attendees to get involved in Neighborhood Watch and Business Watch programs.  He added the Sheriff’s Deputies will continue to enhance their visibility as a proactive measure to prevent property crimes and watch for criminal activity.

Dr. Lindblad closed the event by showing a brief video highlighting local businesses and other points of interest in La Mirada, which is available for viewing on the La Mirada Chamber of Commerce website,

Photo caption: La Mirada Mayor Anthony Otero provides his State of the City remarks at Holiday Inn La Mirada.

Source: City of La Mirada