Club Green Volleyball

Whittier area girls volleyball club program

Our goal is to teach young athletes the fundamentals of competitive volleyball in a fun and productive environment (in the gym, on the grass, and at the beach). We will provide them the training they need to achieve their volleyball goals whether it be playing on the high school varsity team to obtaining a college scholarship.

Developing Life Skills Through Athletics

  • Teach volleyball and promote positive attitudes, life choices and friendships.
  • Provide athletes with opportunities to develop physically and psychologically, and individually.
  • Learn team volleyball skills through training and competition.
  • Have FUN!

Our club recognizes the profoundly positive effect that we have on athletes. Our training and teachings extend far beyond the gym as we strive to help young athletes develop “life skills.” We do this by teaching them to set difficult but achievable goals and the value of working hard. Hard work is the foundation for our training as is key to the development of self-confIdence, courage and self-esteem.

We recognize that there are a number of important lessons that come from playing team sports. The ability to recognize working hard as an immediate goal will be stressed throug out the season. A desire to win is a significant motivating force behind hard work. We believe in winning and having an enjoyable experience but these are recognized as by-products of the immediate goal of hard work. We focus on creating an environment where hard work, fun and winning can take place. Within these three concepts lies the foundation for player growth and success.

We also encourage our members to do their part in preserving our environment for the future generations. We are an eco-friendly club and:

  1. Encourage carpooling to practices and tournaments.
  2. Use eco-friendly uniforms and attire.
  3. Communications by email to conserve paper and natural resources.
  4. Recycle to earn funds to travel.
  5. Participate in various environmental cleanup projects.
1885 North Hacienda Road, La Habra CA 90631
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