La Mirada Median Landscape Project

Renovation is expected to begin in late summer

As a result of the drought in California, state-mandated water restrictions required that portable water not be used to irrigate ornamental turf grass on public street medians. On April 7, 2017, Governor Brown signed Executive Order B-40-17, which made this restriction permanent despite the end of drought conditions. This resulted in the die-off of all turf within the La Mirada median on La Mirada Boulevard, Rosecrans Avenue, and Valley View Avenue. The many of the mature trees within the medians have also suffered due to lack of irrigation.

Based on the clarity provided by the executive order, La Mirada’s City Council in April of last year began a process towards the renovation and re-beautification of the street medians in accordance with the new state requirements. An engineering firm worked with the city to provide landscape concepts that require reduced water usage. Trees, shrubs and ground cover are proposed to replace the dead turf and struggling trees.

Trees were selected based on their minimal impact to the surrounding hardscape and their slender, tall shapes and sizes. The trees will be grouped and offset to create a more natural look rather than the typical “soldier lines” seen in most medians. Shrubs and ground cover will add color and texture to the surface level. Current water restrictions allow for irrigation of medians as long as they don’t include ornamental turf. Willdan Engineering produced photographic simulations to illustrate typical medians (see below). Click here to read the study session report view more detail regarding the photographic simulations.

Construction is expected to begin in late summer on the La Mirada median landscape project.