2023 Older Americans Recognition Day Award

The City of La Mirada is now accepting nominations

Older Americans Recognition Day La Mirada

The City of La Mirada honors older adults ages 60 and above whose active involvement and volunteer service have greatly enhanced the quality of community life.  Nominations for the 2023 Older Americans Recognition Day Award are accepted through February 6th.

Nomination forms are available on the City website, City Hall, and the La Mirada Activity Center. Nominations may be submitted electronically to OARD@cityoflamirada.org and in-person at the La Mirada Activity Center.

The selected award recipient will be recognized as La Mirada’s honoree at the Los Angeles County Commission on Aging’s Older Americans Recognition Day award ceremony and at a City Council meeting in May 2023.

For more information, call the La Mirada Activity Center at (562) 902-3160.

Source: City of La Mirada