Register for Spring Recreation Programs in La Mirada

The City provides classes to appeal to every interest

World's Largest Swim Lesson Splash! La Mirada

Registration for spring recreation classes, sports, and camps offered by the City began Tuesday, February 21st. The City provides a wide variety of classes to appeal to every interest including arts and crafts, music, sports, and fitness.

Community Services offers hundreds of classes quarterly. Swim lessons are also offered year-round at Splash! La Mirada Regional Aquatics Center for all ages and abilities.

Recreational youth sports offered for the spring season includes Friday Night Football, Volleyball, and Volley-tennis. Children ages 5 to 17 are encouraged to participate. Complete class descriptions and registration information is included in the Spring issue of the City’s newsletter and online. For more information, call (562) 943-7277.

The Community Services Department is responsible for the development and maintenance of those services contributing to the fulfillment of La Mirada’s recreational, social services, and transportation needs. Community Services coordinates efforts between the City, residents, and other agencies to expand La Mirada’s recreational and social opportunities; plans and administers City park and recreation program; disseminates information to help residents obtain maximum benefit from services available to the community; coordinates social services; conducts programs to enhance the quality of La Mirada’s family environment; and assists in strengthening community identity and citizen understanding of local government. The Department provides services at the La Mirada Resource Center, Splash! La Mirada Regional Aquatics Center, Activity Center, Community Gymnasium, Civic Center Plaza, and the City’s extensive park system.

Source: City of La Mirada